It’s the day of Blac Chyna’s interview with Wendy Williams, and nothing is going right. All are beginning to question: Are these the right moves, and is this the right team, to bring everything together in time?
Up Next in The Real Blac Chyna
5. If You Can Make It There
Blac Chyna shares news with the team: She’s booked on the Wendy Williams show. But with the real beef between her and Wendy, not everyone is convinced this is the right move. And will the trip prove too much for her new team to handle?
4. Back to Basics
Following her dramatic dinner out with Tokyo Toni and alerting Treasure on where things now stand, Blac Chyna must get back to her regular routine, checking in with her good friend Dencia for some much needed girl talk and pursuing her music creation with Mally Mall.
3. Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
After Ashton and Treasure’s fragile compromise with Tokyo Toni in a public park, it’s back on Blac Chyna to re-engage with her mom. Ashton convinces them to sit down for dinner, but will being in another public place really prevent more fireworks?